Sunday, August 30, 2009

It Hungers III

Time for the final installment of this story. The circle is complete, as they say. I'll probably come back to this some time, but feel free to comment with ideas.
As always, it works better viewed in full mode. Also, I've included the source file if you are interested.


Repaired the links.

Larry's bitch

Be nice to geeks, they are people too! Here's a story just for them.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bill's Girl

When it comes to TG, the male mind can be its own worst enemy. This was the case with Bill in this story. As always, enjoy.



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Need help with a new story

While I keep a few of my stories on the burners, I'm working a new one called Invasion. It'll be based on an alien invasion starting in a typical suburban housing development. Of course, the aliens need to propogate, and a man's mentality in a body of a specifically engineered female would be optimal for them. Any ideas? I've got a few, but this (I believe) is new territory and I'm looking to make a series of stories from this (similar to IT Hungers, but with more of a mental twist). Any ideas on heroes, villians, sub plots, or just items you would like to see. Let me know, the hotter the better.

Oh, and if you can recommend any site with some erotic pictures of abductions, that would be a BIG help.



Sunday, August 16, 2009

Slipped a Mickey

Many of my blogs talk about breaking down the man to make him the perfect woman, but sometimes its the best thing that could happen to them.




Saturday, August 15, 2009


I saw these pictures of Angela Valentine, and thought it would make a good story. Still working on my next "It Hungers" piece, but this makes for a nice distraction...have fun.

